James W. Scott: Selected Publications


‘Constructing Familiarity in Finnish–Russian Karelia: Shifting Uses of History and the Re-interpretation of Regions’, European Planning Studies, 21(1): 75–92.


(with Heikki Eskelinen and Ilkka Liikanen) (eds) The EU–Russia Borderland. New Contents for Regional Cooperation, London: Routledge.

‘La Regionalización – entre neoliberalismo y cohesion territorial’, Regional Development Dialogue, 33(1): 61–3.

(with Manfred Kühn) ‘Urban Change and Urban Development Strategies in Central East Europe: A Selective Assessment of Events Since 1989’, European Planning Studies, 20(7): 1093–1109.

(with Krisztina Keresztély) ‘Urban Regeneration in the Post-Socialist Context: Budapest and the Search for a Social Dimension’, European Planning Studies, 20(7): 1111–34.

(with Jussi Laine) ‘Borderwork: Finnish–Russian Co-operation and Civil Society Engagement in the Social Economy of Transformation’, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 24(3-4): 1–17.

(with Vladimir Kolossov) ‘Karelia: A Finnish–Russian Borderland on the Edge of Neighbourhood’, in H. Eskelinen, I. Liikanen and J.W. Scott (eds) The EU–Russia Borderland. New Contexts for Regional Cooperation, London: Routledge.

‘European Politics of Borders, Border Symbolism and Cross-Border Cooperation’, in T. Wilson and H. Donnan (eds) A Companion to Border Studies, Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.


(with Ilkka Liikanen) (eds) European Neighbourhood through Civil Society Networks, Abingdon: Taylor and Francis.

‘Reflections on EU Geopolitics: Consolidation, Neighbourhood and Civil Society in the Reordering of European Space’, Geopolitics, 16(1): 146–75.

‘Borders, Border Studies and EU Enlargement’, in D. Wastl-Walter (ed.) Ashgate Research Companion of Border Studies, Aldershot: Ashgate.


(with Ilkka Liikanen) ‘Civil Society and the “Neighbourhood” – Reconciling Supranational, National and Local Agendas’, Journal of European Integration, 32(5): 423–38.

‘The European Union, the Emerging Neighbourhood and Geopolitics of Inclusion and Exclusion’, in G. Gorzelak, J. Bachtler and M. Smetkozski (eds) Regional Development in Central and Eastern Europe, London and New York: Routledge.


(ed.) De-Coding New Regionalism. Shifting Socio-Political Contexts in Central Europe and Latin America, Aldershot: Ashgate.

‘New Regionalism and Evolving Territorialities of the State’, in J.W. Scott (ed.) De-Coding New Regionalism. Shifting Socio-Political Contexts in Central Europe and Latin America, Aldershot: Ashgate.

‘Bordering and Ordering the European Neighbourhood. A Critical Perspective on EU Territoriality and Geopolitics’, TRAMES. A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 13(3): 232–47.

(with Henk van Houtum) ‘Guest Editorial: Reflections on EU Territoriality and the “Bordering” of Europe’, Political Geography, 28(5): 271–3.

‘Europe of Regions’, in R. Kitchen and N. Thrift (eds) International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography, Amsterdam: Elsevier.

‘Borders, Border Studies and EU Enlargement’, in B. Köppen and M. Horn (eds) Das Europa der EU an seinen Grenzen!? Konzepte und Erfahrungen der europäischen grenzüberschreitenden Kooperation, Berlin: Logos Verlag.


‘Smart Growth as Urban Reform: A Pragmatic “Recoding” of the New Regionalism’, Urban Studies, 44(1): 15–35.

(with Steffi Franke) (eds) ‘Border Research in a Global Perspective’, Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Gesellschaftsforschung, 17(4).

(with Gerhard Braun) ‘Smart Growth as New Metropolitan Governance’, in H.S. Geyer (ed.) International Handbook of Urban Policy, Volume 1, Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar.

‘Cross-border Regionalization in an Enlarging EU. Hungarian–Austrian and German–Polish Cases’, in Harlan Koff (ed.) Deceiving (Dis)appearances: Analyzing Current Developments in European and North American Border Regions, Bern: Peter Lang Publishing.


(ed.) EU Enlargement, Region-building and Shifting Borders of Inclusion and Exclusion, Aldershot: Ashgate.

’Wider Europe: Geopolitics of Inclusion and Exclusion at the EU’s new External Boundaries’ in J.W. Scott (ed.) EU Enlargement, Region-building and Shifting Borders of Inclusion and Exclusion, Aldershot: Ashgate.

‘A Review of Eiki Berg and Henk van Houtum (eds) Mapping Borders Between Territories: Discourses and Practices’, GeoJournal, 67: 103–5.


‘Transnational Regionalism; Strategic Geopolitics, and European Integration: The Case of the Baltic Sea Region’ in Heather Nicol and Ian Townsend-Gault (eds) Holding the Line: Borders in a Global World, Vancouver: UBC Press.

‘The EU and “Wider Europe”: Toward an Alternative Geopolitics of Regional Cooperation?’, Geopolitics, 10(3): 429–54.


‘European and North American Contexts for Cross-Border Regionalism’, in Michael Keating (ed.) Regions and Regionalism in Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar [reprinted from Regional Studies, 33(7)].

‘The Northern Dimension: “Multiscalar” Regionalism in an Enlarging European Union?’, in Olivier Kramsch and Barbara Hooper (eds) Cross-Border Governance in the European Union, London: Routledge.


‘Transboundary Governance in the Baltic Sea Region: Emerging Patterns, Preliminary Results’, Regional and Federal Studies, 12(4): 135–53.

‘Baltic Sea Regionalism, EU Geopolitics and Symbolic Geographies of Co-operation’, Journal of Baltic Studies, 33(2): 137–55.

‘A Networked Space of Meaning? Spatial Politics as Geostrategies of European Integration’, Space and Polity, 6(2): 147–67.

‘Transnational Regionalilsm as Paradigm and Political Reality: Consequences for Comparative Research and Co-operation Praxis’, in L. Hedegaard and B. Lindström (eds) The NEBI Yearbook 2001/2002. North European and Baltic Sea Integration, Berlin: Springer.


(with Jesus Arroyo and Karl-Dieter Keim) El renacimiento de las regiones. Descentralización y desarrollo regional en Alemania (Brandenburgo) y México (Jalisco), Guadalajara and Los Angeles: UDG-Juan Pablos Editoria.

‘Transboundary Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Region’, in Marjorie Jouen (ed.) Is the New Europe Inventing itself at its Margins? Cross-Border and Transnational Co-operation, Paris: Notre Europe.


‘Transboundary Cooperation on Germany’s Borders: Strategic Regionalism through Multilevel Governance’, Journal of Borderlands Studies, XV(1): 143–67.

‘Euroregions, Governance and Transborder Co-operation within the EU’, European Research in Regional Science, 10: 104–15.

‘Helyi önkormányzatok és fejlesztési stratégiák: a regionális kormányzás kérdése’, in Gyula Horváth (ed.) A régiók szerepe a bövülö Európai Unióban, Pécs: MTA-RKK Centre for Regional Studies.


‘European and North American Contexts for Cross-Border Regionalism’, Regional Studies, 33(7): 605–17.

‘Evolving Regimes for Local Transboundary Co-operation. The German–Polish Experience’, in H. Eskelinen, I. Liikanen and J. Oksa (eds) Curtains of Iron and Gold. Reconstructing Borders and Scales of Interaction, Aldershot: Ashgate.

‘Grenzüberschreitende Planungsorganisationen’, in ARL (ed.) Grundriß der Landes- und Regionalplanung, Hannover: Verlag der ARL.


(with Isolde Roch and Astrid Ziegler) ‘Umweltgerechte Entwicklung von Grenzregionen durch kooperatives Handeln’, Schriften des IÖR, Heft 24, Dresden: IÖR.

‘La Politíca Regional de la Unión Europea. Un proyecto en transformación’, Carta Regional Económica, 60: 33–40.

‘Planning Co-operation and Transboundary Regionalism – Implementing European Border Region Policies in the German–Polish Context’, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 15(5): 605–24.

‘Der Wettbewerb als Ordnungsprinzip. Erfahrungen mit strategischer Strukturpolitik in den USA, Schlußfolgerungen für Westeuropa’, in Hans-Joachim Kujath (ed.) Strategien regionaler Stabilisierung, Berlin: Sigma Verlag.


(with Paul Ganster, Alan Sweedler and Wolf-Dieter Eberwein) Borders and Border Regions in Europe and North America, San Diego: University of San Diego Press.

‘A határmenti együttmüködés nezetközi rendszerei’ [Transboundary Regionalism Within International Regimes: Germany, Poland and the EU], Tér és Társadalom. Journal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 3: 117–31.

‘Environmental Protection and Interregional Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Region: The VASAB Initiative’, in Gerald Blake (ed.) International Boundaries and Environmental Security: Frameworks for Regional Co-operation, London, The Hague and Boston: Kluwer Law International.

(with Kimberley Collins) ‘Inducing Transboundary Regionalism in Asymmetric Situations: The Case of the German–Polish Border’, Journal of Borderlands Studies, XII(1-2): 97–121.


‘Dutch–German Euroregions: A Model for Transboundary Cooperation?’ in J.W. Scott, A. Sweedler, P. Ganster and W.-D. Eberwein (eds) Border Regions in Functional Transition: European and North-American Perspectives, Berlin: Institut für Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung.

‘Die EU-Außengrenze: Kooperation als Integrationsfaktor in Mitteleuropa’, in Institut für Ökologische Raumentwicklung (ed.) Umweltverträgliche regionale Entwicklung im Grenzraum und im ländlichen Raum, Dresden: IÖR.


‘El regionalismo transfronterizo como objeto de investigación internacional’, in J. Arroyo Alejandre (ed.) Regionen en transición: Ensayos sobre integración regional en Alemania del este y en el occidente de México, Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara.

‘Thesen zu den Rahmenbedingungen des regionalen Aktionismus: Mögliche Konsequenzen für die Neuen Länder der Bundesrepublik’, in Institut für Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung (ed.) Regionen im Umbruch / Regiones en transición, Berlin: Institut für Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung.


‘Are Local Autonomy and Regional Spatial Management Compatible? Implications of North American and German Experiences in Metropolitan Planning for Hungary’, in Gyula Horváth (ed.) European Challenges and Hungarian Responses in Regional Policy, Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies.

(with Silke Mensching) ‘Wo Arm und Reich aufeinanderprallen’, Geographie Heute, 12: 34–9.


‘The Institutionalization of Transboundary Cooperation in Europe: Recent Developments on the Dutch–German Border’, Journal of Borderlands Studies, VIII(1): 39–66.


‘Canada and the Regional City: Reflections on Federalism, Metropolitan Governance and Comparative Urban Analysis’, in C.H.W. Remie and J.M. Lacroix (eds) Canada on the Threshold of the 21st Century, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


‘Bürgerinitiativen gegen Städtewachstum: Direkte Demokratie und Kommunalpolitik in Kalifornien’, Archiv für Kommunalwissenschaften, 29(1): 50–69.


‘Transborder Cooperation, Regional Initiatives, and Sovereignty Conflicts in the Upper Rhine Valley’, Publius: the Journal of Federalism, 19(1): 139–56.